0214 雪 (五)
簡 報:
所有在AWS受訓的國際學生,都有機會被安排作自己國家的國情簡報,三十分鐘的時間自由發揮。我的時間訂在九七年二月十四日上午十點半,正值咱們農曆新年,又逢西洋情人節, 最不巧的是在我簡報前的兩個小時,是大家最頭痛的測驗。又因為前一天的氣象預報會有大風雪,學校隨時有可能被通知停課。所以直到我在呼嘯及掌聲中,將象徵我中華民國海軍陸戰隊的銅雕隊徽呈送給Col. Jones後,才放下心上的十五個吊桶,露出得意的笑。
這樣說吧;我清楚自己是個無法在課本前安靜兩個小時以上的人,否則也不用等到肩膀上開了花,才放洋留學。況且在別人的土地上連話( 英文 )都講不好,就更別想要有輝煌的成績了。雖然如此,總也不能昧著良心,天天打混摸魚,混吃等死。因此我當然也給自己立了目標,定了家庭作業,除了加強英文能力外,最重要的就是把電腦搞懂。所以當我的同學張熙志提醒我得為國情簡報預作準備的同時,我便央請他代為蒐集資料,並決定要買個電腦帶去練習練習。再說,看過別人的簡報後,我認為大部份的美國同學並不再乎別人的國家有多漂亮,多富有或多強盛。三十分鐘其實也不夠用。但如果只是講講笑話,放放電影,當然好混得很;不過你混完人家也就忘了,忘了也就算了。
要作一次生動有趣的國情簡報,準備的功夫不可少!不僅要抓住聽眾的心理,以確立主題重點;還要製作幻燈片,剪接錄影帶,最重要的是把咱們國家的傳統風貌,文化特色表現出來。打從九六年的聖誕節起,我便開始準備做簡報的工作。先是到華盛頓DC咱們中華民國駐美代表處,商借相關的錄影帶及幻燈片,並索取部份介紹我們中華民國的海外文宣資料。再擬定講稿大綱,而後依不足與所須的部份進行錄影帶的剪接與幻燈片的製作。( 學校和基地內有相當完善的設備提供使用 )最後才是製作成電腦簡報,校對與現場預習。與其說準備的工作繁雜,不如說藉此簡報經驗,我學到不少。先是概略瞭解咱們駐美代表處有那些部門,做些什麼工作?再是如何剪接錄影帶,製作幻燈片。當然最令人興奮的是對電腦有更深一層的認識;出國前我幾乎是個電腦白癡,藉著簡報製作,我翻書自修,到處請教問人。現在我不但懂得使用週邊設備製造效果,更能攀上網路獲取更多資訊。當然學然後知不足,那就是我為什麼不套用前人的簡報資料,而決定要自己動手製作的主要因素。
一、是錄影帶:剪接了二十一分三十六秒的電影;先後包含了中醫針灸、MADE IN TAIWAN(台灣製 )、成龍和李連杰的功夫電影、中華民國海軍陸戰隊簡介、與活力之島-台灣等影片。前面的十六分鐘在我簡報前的下課時間既已播放,借以吸引同學們的注意,並引起興趣。爾後的影片,從我陸戰儀隊的操槍表演,到台灣現況介紹,則依簡報內容,適時穿插播映。只可惜這裡無法表現出來。
Taiwan is a island; the name of my country is Republic Of China . Good morning Col . Jones, happy valentine's day, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to my recognition day, I'm Maj. Meng, Today I really appreciate AWS give me the opportunity to present my country -- Republic Of China On Taiwan. Before I start, I wanna say "thanks" to somebody who helped me a lot. They are my FACC(指導教官)Maj. Olson, my sponsor Capt. Lymjoco, and all in my conference group#10
Here is the outline of my briefing.
Here we go. Where is Taiwan? As shown the map, Taiwan is over here. If you wanna visit my country, it will take you more than 18 hours by airplane from New York to Taipei. Taiwan is just 235 miles long and 89 miles broad at it’s wide point. Let me enlarge the map, you can see the terrain and do MCOO(地形分析) by yourself.
See the screen, you'll know the climate condition of Taiwan; It's similar to Florida, but its humidity is higher than America.
The number of population in Taiwan is over 21 million, and the density of residence in Taipei is the 2nd highest in the world. Of course, it contains many different race of people, but nobody cares, we're all Chinese.
I'm not a religious person. In Taiwan, everyone has his right to chose religion what he likes. You can't find any battle due to religion in Chinese history. By the way, some of my friends in Taiwan, their families have different religions, but they live together and get along well. Here is the chart showing you the percentage of different religious people in Taiwan.
See the screen, save my time, please!
Several years ago, Taiwan was called Formosa. It means "beautiful island". There are diligent people, delicious Chinese foods, sweet fruits and pretty women on the island. (Oh! Not them, yeah! She is my wife!)
Especially, since we stop accepting the economy aid from you, US, in 1965. We decided to achieve self-renewal with our own effort, because we believe that "God helps those who help themselves". That's why you found everything here "Made In Taiwan"!
Look at the chart, save your time, please!
Today, in the world, there is no one much stronger than you-America. Most of the weapons we using are purchased from you. So nothing special and nothing exciting!
History is a long story! All I wanna say just some important events after 1911 when Republic Of China was founded.
(1911—Dr.Sun Yet-Sen Founded the Republic of China.)
Do you know Republic Of China is the first democracy in Asia?
(1945-- ROC participated in the establishment of UN.)
Taiwan returned to ROC from Japan when WW2 ended.
(1949-- Chinese communists take control of mainland and establish the People Republic Of China [PRC], ROC government moves its seat to Taiwan.)
The bad guy was coming !
(1971-- Chinese communist enter UN, ROC withdraws from UN.)
Do you know that ROC is an original member in UN ?
(1979-- PRC and USA establish diplomatic relations; USA and ROC limit official diplomatic relations)
Actually you know that ROC is your comrade in arms, that's why I'm here !
(1989-- ROC ceases enforcement of martial law)
I tell you that ROC is absolutely a democratic country.
(1996-- First civil presidential election in Taiwan)
Do you remember that mainland had a military maneuver last year ?
And the most important thing is…...
(1997-- We all graduate from AWS)
I'm not interested in politics. SO look at the slides save our time, please. I guarantee ROC is absolutely a democratic country. That's why there existing "one China two governments" today. You may wonder the future of Chinese people. Thank you! But please don't worry about. Here are my points!
First: There is no doubt, Hong-Kong will return to mainland China, this first of July, but no one insures that it'll change nothing in 50 years, especially the human right. And you know that people are afraid of communists, so there are a lot of people move out from Hong-Kong now.
Second: Chinese people love peace! Without stimulates, without accidents, we'll not fight mutually People has families and relations live on both of side, and civil interchanges are in progressing! Let me explain in further. Just as my father, before he came to Taiwan, he married in mainland. So I've two brothers in mainland, we know each other, but we never meet!
Third: Time is the key-point. Now we devote to solve disputes by peace-Talk. I believe both of China governments will be unified in the future, and the victory will belong to democracy. Will you betray democracy for communists? So please don't forget ROC is always be your friend!
It's too much to present in a short time. Please look at the slides. We've traditional festival, Chinese Medical, Chinese foods, Chinese Kung-Fu, Do you know this guy? Yes, that's me. See Maj. Meng, Maj. Meng, and Maj.Meng, but 15 years ago. OK! Allow me zip my mouth, the slides will keep going, and movie is coming!
This is my point!
Do you remember Col. Jones said: All IMOs (International Military Officers) here are not just for learning, but also teaching ! I'm not a teacher, but I'd like to share Chinese philosophy with you.
First of all, people often has the impression that Chinese characters are extremely difficult to learn. But if you know the Chinese writing system, you will find that they are not nearly as difficult as you may have imagined. The Chinese writing system including six categories: They are… (bla, bla, bla, and bla, bla, bla) OH! Come on. You guys' English are better than mine,
fortunately my Chinese is better than yours. So I can show you how to write!
3.會意:compound ideograph.
4.轉注:compound both with phonetic and meaning elements.
5.形聲:characters which are assigned a new written form to better
reflect changed pronunciation.
6.假借:characters used to represent a homophone or near-homophone
that are unrelated in meaning to the new word they represent.
Does anyone know what they mean? See, 日,月,山,水。 They're sun, moon, mountain and water. Ok! Listen and repeat. 日,月,山,水。 Let's keep going, suppose it's the level of table, so this is "on the table", and this is "under the table". So this word means "above""上", and this word means "below""下". And then if you neither go up nor down, the word means "blocking" or "sticking" 卡。
Now let's return to lesson one "The nature of warfare", I'd like to tell you the main thoughts of Chinese philosophy by two words:
戰:This word means warfare, combat and fight. Let's separate it and see:
口:This word means "mouth". What's it for? Of course "eating" and "speaking".
田:This word means "farmland".
戈:This is a lance or a spear, means "weapon".
Now think about it! Farmer works on his farmland for food, for life, but why he holds weapon not farm tool on his ground? That means he has to fight against with the enemy for protecting whose property.
武:Another word is "force".
戈:You know this word means "weapon".
止:And this word means "stop".
So in Chinese idea. The purpose of keeping forces is to stop using weapon, the responsibility of military is maintaining peace and stop warfare, not for invasion !
Here are some classics as following in order to prove what I said:
Everyday work starts at sunrise, everyday you rest at sunset,-- no matter how powerful the king is !
Our country is continuously at war, how can the civilians have a safe life? Please don't say that war is a good opportunity for advancement, do you know how many people have died for a general's promotion?
It's better to be a good man than to be in the military! So I'm bad.
Review the WW1 and WW2, China has always been invaded, Chinese people never fighting out of our boundary. Then, since you dropped two Atomic Bomps in Japan concluded the WW2. When Japanese surrounded and withdrew their troops from China, ROC didn't ask Japan repay anything. That's what I wanna tell you the characteristics of Chinese philosophy are humanity, justice and virtue.
Now I'd like to introduce "The book of changes" for you. And tell you why Chinese people emphasize "The doctrine of Yin-Yang"(陰陽之學--中庸之道)。 I know some of you had read it before, so please tell me, what can you imagine from the symbol ? (太極)
1.Yes and no 10.Anode and cathode
2.Right and wrong 11.Heaven and hell
3.Good and bad 12.False and true
4.Give and take 13.Positive and negative
5.In and out 14.Quality and quantity
6.Life and death 15.Psychology and physiology
7.Bright and dark 16.Subjective and objective
8.Day and night 17.Advantage and disadvantage
9.Male and female 18.Metaphysics and concrete science
It's more than can be listed!
In Chinese thought, the book of changes contains everything.-- Knowledge, reasons, truth, philosophy, science, medical, koung-fu, even Sun-Tzu and it can tell you the past and future. However, it's easy to learn but difficult to master! Look at the symbol and think about it carefully. It contains nature, cycles and balance.
There is not enough time to explain in detail. I've some easy, simple examples for you, maybe boring, but that's truth。 And you know that great oak grows from little acorns! So please follow me and try to think in Chinese way.
Day by day, sunrise and sunset; Year by year, spring, summer, fall and Winter. Why? Please notice the arrows. Nobody can change them, otherwise who knows what will we happen? It's the base of astronomy!
New life born; old life dies. If you could live for 100 years. Now you'd lost 30 years so far. So enjoy your life!
Anytime, anywhere, you breathing inhale and exhale. Blood circulates inside your body, wherever it flows, it must pass your heart. Why? If your heart stop working or you stop breathing. What's that mean? It's the base of Chinese medical and koung-fu.
Everybody driving。 Everyone knows why the wheel shape is round. OK! What do you think it will happen? If your wheel shape isn't round? or the axis is not centered. Now I've questions! What means philosophy and science? What's difference between them? Here is my opinion!
Philosophy--To find out the similarity from difference. (to sum up)
Science--To find out the different from similarity. (to analyze)
Just like people develop medical skills for saving human life. You see! So many departments of medicine. You'll not go to see dentist when you're in fever. Right? (Philosophy = purpose. Science = medicine.)
Develop your imagination! Before we talk about Sun-Tzu, look at the chart first, I drew it for you.
Mention about Sun-Tzu, he's my friend, I know him but he didn't know me! Since he was an expert in the book of changes, so he was good at military. Now listen what he said:
Careful planning will lead to victory. Careless planning will lead to defeat. How much more certain is defeat than when there is no planning ?
So every time doing PE(軍事計劃作為), we must analyze the situation, the EN (enemy), the terrain and the mission. Every operation order includes Task
Organization, Fire Support. What else? That's scientific methods and steps . What's the purpose? Is it just for destroying EN? Or just for victory?
Listen what he said in the beginning:
War is a matter of vital importance to a country. It concerns life and death, and on it hinges the rise and fall of a country。 Therefore, it deserves careful study!
So before you lead your soldiers go into the battlefield, make sure what's your purpose! Why do you fight? Who do you fight for? Is it worthy?
If so, do your best! If not, think it over!
On the other hand. Comparing the importance of material and mentality!
(Weapon = material. Thought = will = mentality. ) You've the best weapon system in the world. Can they fire by themselves? How about this? Or this? What's the difference between animal and human being? Yes, thought decides everything (also the aim). Please look at this picture and deliberate it! Also I hope you can understand what I mean ! So the visible and invisible combat power must complement each other, you can't go fighting just using weapons without having any will; Surely, you can't knock all your enemies down simply with will either! So please reconsider all what I said with "The doctrine of Yin-Yang".
Need more? Yes, you do! If you still confuse about China, Taiwan and PRC。 Here is my answer…
(ROC and PRC are two parts of China!
PRC =\ China…Big but communist.
ROC =\ China Small but democracy.
ROC + PRC = China… In the future.)
If you ask me, how can I explain the China problem by "the book of changes" ? Look at the symbol again! What are the main power in the world? Democracy and Communism ! Who are they? USA and PRC. If the big blackness is the PRC, the white point is Taiwan !
( 上述以投影方式說明!並以太極圖形隱喻陰陽消長的道理。 )
Although the free China, I mean Taiwan, is a small country today, yet the Chinese philosophy is much beyond our boundary. That's my motivation for taking as much the same time in presenting Chinese philosophy as using in introduction of my country. I'm so proud of my country. Wish you do too! Thank you for your attention. Here I would like to present a sculpture to AWS. Thank you very much.
* 簡報做完Col.Jones用" SUPER ! "來形容,讓我感到欣慰。
* 在同學們熱情的握手致意中,彷彿陶醉在畢業的歡樂氣氛裡。
* 事後很多人問我,怎麼能不看講稿,又不會緊張?我說這算小CASS,這是我自己寫
* 更有幾個對咱們中華文化興趣濃厚的同學,找我切搓武術,討論易經,藉此我又認識